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Weekly Weather Watch



Weekly Weather Watch: Sunday, September 3rd, 2023

Welcome to meteorological fall, which starts September 1st and runs through November. Although many of us have had, historically, cold and snow this month, many may ask what this month looks like? Members received their monthly outlook Friday - check it out if you haven’t already by going to the “Members” area from the top right navigation of the home page. CLICK HERE

THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT: Heat will be an issue for a lot of territory this week. Some moisture areas will shift focus from the West to the Northern Rockies and Plains. And the tropics remain quite active. Let’s discuss these bullets.

JUST OVER THAT RIDGE: Or maybe we are “just over it!” The heat “domes” are atmospheric ridges slowly meandering around the country this summer, delivering extreme heat to wherever they park. This week, ridging will focus on the Great Lakes and bring many of the country hot temperatures. The heat dome will shift eastward toward the Atlantic Ocean, but to keep the atmosphere balanced, we will see the ridging increase across Texas and the southern U.S. The following map shows all potential record-high temperatures to be set this week:

STRANDED MAN: Perhaps you heard of the issues for Burning Man out in Nevada? Rainfall was so intense that the event had to face some significant issues resulting from flooding - apparently, thousands of attendees were stranded due to the rains. Well, rainfall will continue for the West as part of the monsoon, spreading moisture from the Southwest to the Northern Rockies to the Northern Plains. Here is a breakdown of estimated rainfall totals.

TROPICAL PARADISE: If you are a hurricane that is. The Atlantic and Pacific are both active with storms that either are hurricanes, or potentially becoming hurricanes. This past week, Idalia spread flooding rains from areas of Florida to the Southeast. We currently have Gert and Katia in the Atlantic, not headed to the U.S., but there are some “suspect” areas that need to be watched this week for potential impact on the U.S.

That covers this week's “Heads Up” events, in brief. I’ll have Colorado specifics with my team over at Weather5280. Hope you have a great week! Many blessings, Matt.

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