"Weather will always win, but that doesn't mean you have to lose."

Weekly Weather Watch



Weekly Weather Watch: Monday, September 25th, 2023

Fall is certainly in the air. My family and I finished off the camping year for us this past weekend. Waking up to frost, changing aspen leaves, and early sunsets remind me how quickly things can change in September. So far, though, the weather is still holding back the cold and snow - it won’t be long before some of us freeze and catch winter weather. Overall, it was a calm weekend for some camping with the kids before we winterize and look forward to next year’s adventures. Speaking of calm weather, my area remains silent but that’s not the case for everyone. For this week, the most active weather areas will be from northern California to the Pacific Northwest, Florida, and the Upper Midwest.

Washout? When it comes to rain, there will be too much for some areas. Here’s a look at potential flooding risks for this week associated with heavy precipitation.

The rainfall for the Pacific Northwest is coming from a rather strong low-pressure area in the northern Pacific Ocean. This system will draw in moisture-rich air and cooler temperatures to deliver more than three inches of rainfall to a drought-ridden Northwest. Meanwhile, Florida will be catching a thunderstorm-rich setup for the foreseeable future. Parts of Florida to Georgia may have localized flooding from the strongest storms. A slow-moving system around the Great Lakes will deliver heavy rain to this area toward the Mid-Atlantic. Plus, Texas has some additional water coming but may also catch damage from potentially severe thunderstorms. In all, here are the rainfall totals for the week.

CHILL OUT: The general temperature trend this week into next is for cooler-than-normal conditions to be spread out across the West. This cooler airmass is coming in with the moisture, as discussed from that low-pressure area in the Northern Pacific. This also ties into the temperature trends discussed in the monthly outlook for September that many of you subscribe to. We will finish September with a cool West and warm East.

And the active tropical season continues. There are some features to watch, as close as the Gulf of Mexico, during the week ahead for all the coastal/tropics folks.

Those are the big-ticket items from the weather department for this week. I hope it is a good one for you as we round out September. - Matt