"Weather will always win, but that doesn't mean you have to lose."

Weekly Weather Watch



Weekly Weather Watch: Monday, October 16th, 2023

What weather will be making headlines this week? For the U.S. overall, a relatively quiet week ahead before another wintry push later next week to close out the month. First, a cool autumn airmass hangs out over the eastern states. Meanwhile, warm and dry across much of the western U.S. except for moments of rainfall for the Pacific Northwest early in the week from a system that will take rain and wind toward the central states by the midweek.

Alert bells pretty quiet: The alert map Monday morning is tame, just worried about the wind and fire danger for the High Plains on the east side of the Rockies from that Pacific Northwest system.

Wind will be increasing for much of the central states as that PacNW system moves into the area through the midweek. The odds that your wind will hit at least 40mph is shown here, and you can see the odds cover quite a lot of territory.:

With the wind comes some rain. The heaviest potential this week is on either northwest or northeast corners, but there will be some heavier totals into the Upper Midwest also.

Most of that precipitation is in the form of rain, just the higher peaks of the Northern Rockies have any potential to see a bit of snowfall. There’s not too much of a tap into cold air at this time for this week’s system.

Caribbean activity this week in the hurricane department. The islands need to be watchful of a developing system in the Atlantic which will head their way. The U.S. will watch this system closely down the line, too.

That’s it in a nutshell for this week. Next week, we will discuss an incoming wintry impactor and more on that tropical setup for those along the coastlines. Have a Blessed week - Matt